Sunday, May 1, 2011

Almost finished.

"The Night Grendel Lost His Arm"

Saturday, April 30, 2011

color blocking

Beginning to block in colors for a piece. If you can't guess, it's Beowulf fighting Grendel. I wanted Beowulf to have a classic wrestling style about him (think vintage Hulk Hogan) and wanted Grendel to be kind of a mix between a frog and Frankenstein's Monster.

Maybe I'll actually finish this and post it in here (YEAH RIGHT)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sneak Preview

Here's a detail capture of a piece I'm working on. It's horribly depressing, I guess. Over the past three months two close friends from my childhood have died so I guess it has kind of given my work a sense of morbid melodrama. I don't know.

Almost finished the piece, but work has interrupted my progress. Will post when it's finished.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Holy Hamburger Ghosts, Fishman!

It's been a while.

I'm working on some stuff, rest assured. Work and other nonsense has made progression a little slow, but.. I'm getting that itch. That "get shit done, Evan" itch.

Working on a series based on Beowulf, think it will showcase my abilities a bit. Or something. I dunno. Gonna have some stuff up in the upcoming weeks.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Preview of a new piece

It's been quite a while since I've updated, huh? Summer went by very fast, working nonstop and not having much time to produce anything, aside from the occasional printing and shipping of an order (thanks for the support!)

Anyways, here's a new piece I've been working on the past few days entitled "A Knight's Job is Never Done":

I wanted to make a very fanciful and bright piece but with some personal meaning as well. It's about being stupid and trying to save someone at the risk of your own well-being, when the situation is too dire. Another words, still trying to save the girl when it's too late. I think a lot of folks could relate to that. Right?

The piece is nearing completion and prints will be available for sale at the first annual ART ATTACK art and music festival taking place October 23rd in Victory Park, Manchester NH. (more info available on facebook)

Will post the finished version once it is done.

Hope all is well :)


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Newport Folk Festival!

So the Newport Folk Festival was this last weekend and Old Blue did so well! I thank all of those who supported us not only with purchases but also with kind words. There's nothing like knowing other people truly enjoy your work. It makes it all worth it.

Currently working on finishing up

and also working on getting some kind of an online store going..

peace, love and chicken grease. or whatever.
